The Sandon School

Computer Science & IT 

Statement of Intent


The IT and Computer Science Department aims to foster computational thinking and digital creativity, empowering all students to become confident and competent computer users across the curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that learners develop the knowledge and skills necessary to stay safe online and use technology responsibly throughout their lives.
We strive to cultivate resilient learners who can overcome challenges, recover from mistakes, and apply problem-solving skills effectively. Our programme of study provides a strong foundation in IT and Computer Science, enabling students to progress onto further study in ICT or Computer Science at KS4.
Technology is integral to all sectors, and students will inevitably interact with complex computer systems throughout their working lives. Our goal is to equip them with the skills and knowledge required not only to operate these systems safely and efficiently but also to edit, create, and develop their own digital solutions.
We aim to enable students to find, analyse, and evaluate information from a range of sources, teaching them how to manipulate and apply data in meaningful ways.
By developing high-quality computing skills, students will be able to independently and creatively engage with their entire curriculum, enhancing their academic achievements and future career opportunities.

Extra-curricular opportunities

Robotics Club – Lunchtime 
